Jan 27, 2008

This is a song I wrote a few years ago. Loiana and I translated it shortly after. This video is from the worship service at Antioch Fellowship Baptist Church on Sunday January 28, 2008. It was part of our presentation focusing on our next planned mission trip. One day maybe I will have a good singer to sing the songs I write. A better guitarist too?

The Lyrics:

“Take Me Jesus/Aceitame Jesus”

Take me Jesus, Take me Jesus
Take me Jesus- I am Yours

I am Yours Lord
I am Yours
When I look to You, You never go away
You are always true, I’ll follow You- all of my days
I am Yours, I am Yours

Em Português:
Aceitame Jesus, Aceitame
Aceitame Jesus, Eu sou Teu

Eu sou Teu Senhor
Eu sou Teu
Você sempre esta presente
Você sempre é fiel, e eu vou sempre Te seguir
Eu sou Teu, eu sou Teu

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