My dear sister, whom I miss as much today as ever, would have been 33 today. Today I cannot celebrate with her, but I am overjoyed for her. She had a difficult life, but God rewarded her with what was dearest to her: a family. Robbie, her husband (who is like a brother to me), her son Gabriel and her daughter Charisma. She also had Robbie's family- a nice large group- to make up for the family she did not have growing up.
I can rejoice in the fact that she was dedicated to Jesus. Her life was a testimony to her love for him- especially as she battled cancer.
The picture on the right was taken in Lakeland, Florida as Diane was battling cancer. We had such hope that she would beat it- and I guess in a way she did. She is free from cancer now, praise God!
Two links to posts about her follow:
Diane Orchard Hubbard 5.1.75-11.29.2004
A Soul's Journey
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